Public Safety Innovation, Inc.

Excellence in Engineering

Grants and Funding Opportunities

Emergency Vehicle Funding

Grants are a great way to fund emergency response vehicles. Fortunately, there are many possible funding sources, and we can help you explore them. From Federal Department of Homeland Security grants to state-specific assistance program.

Law Enforcement

American Police and Sheriffs Association (APSA): Equipment Grant Program

The purpose of this program is to reduce the number of law enforcement officers injured and killed in the line of duty by helping law enforcement agencies buy safety equipment and supplies. Funding is intended to support underfunded agencies that lack the ability to provide their officers with critical lifesaving equipment. Eligible expenditures may include lights, communication equipment, or duty gear.
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Community Police Dispatch - Where to Find Funding for Equipment, Training, Hiring, and Programs

From the Community Policing Dispatch is the e-newsletter of the COPS Office.
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U.S. Department of Justice

The Department of Justice offers funding opportunities to support law enforcement and public safety activities in state, local, and tribal jurisdictions; to assist victims of crime; to provide training and technical assistance; to conduct research; and to implement programs that improve the criminal, civil, and juvenile justice systems.
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Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation

Enables Tribes, Alaska Native villages, and Tribal consortia to submit a single application for seven of the Department of Justice’s competitive grant programs 
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